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The objectives of Get Golfing are to increase participation in golf, nurture a culture of inclusion at our venues, and promote the use of our facilities to non-golfers and other non-profit organisations within our communities.

Get Golfing’s CEO, Edward Richardson, proposed that we collectively adopt a different strategy for 2022 where the Club as a whole dedicate its support to one local charity. Get Golfing have hired a designated member of the team who will work with the Captain’s and the chosen charity to promote the following:

  • Fundraising within the membership and visitors for the local charity.
  • Support the charity by creating greater awareness within both the club and the local community, to increase engagement with the charity.
  • Use of club facilities at no cost.

By coming together as a Club, we can achieve more:

  • We can raise more funds for the chosen charity without having to constantly chase members for greater contributions.
  • We can enhance the awareness that the charity’s good work.
  • We will play an active role in helping our local communities and bringing us together in a common goal.
  • We will expand the impact of the chosen charity through our support and the use of our facilities.